Category: Search Engine Optimisation
The Truth About SEO And What To Do About It
If you follow the SEO gurus, it’s a race to the bottom. Do this instead.
The Truth About SEO
Why SEO is killing your business and what you can do about it. SEO in 2019 is going to be very different from the SEO of the past. Here’s why.
How To Get A Page Featured As A Google Featured Snippet
Featured snippets are the holy grail of massive free exposure of your brand. But it doesn’t necessarily correlate in free traffic to your website. That’s because the best featured snippets provide the answer right there in the search results – no need for anyone to go exploring any further. And when you factor in Google’s…
Secret Engine Optimisation or Search Engine Optimisation (SEO explained)
Although everyone knows that SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, for most people, it means SECRET Engine Optimisation. And that’s because, quite frankly, no one knows how Google truly works except Google (otherwise everyone would be gaming the system and it would rapidly become useless). This is fine and good, but how can you influence…
How To Discover The Hidden Keywords That Drive Traffic To Your Site
Every article has (or should have) a purpose, but there’s one purpose that matters more than any other, and that purpose is that first and foremost, an article needs to be found. If an article isn’t found, it never gets seen, which is why tools like Google Analytics or Bing Webmaster Tools are so important. In…
How To Rank Your Articles On Page 1 Of Google
There’s only two ways to get visitors to your site: At ProofMEDIA we’ll help you get them for free. And when you’ve got enough of the right kind of visitors, we’ll also help you scale them using paid media (so you can turn the tap on and off when you need). But first, let’s look at how…