Two Days To Go Before...

Two Days To Go Before…

It's the 29th December 2018.

And so it's two days to go before… what?

We've all got 'now', and we all know what to do with it (more of what you like), and we've all got tomorrow – but few of us know what to do with that.

Most people have no idea what they want – other than to satisfy a need that needs satisfying.

Most people are brainwashed into thinking that they go to school, get a job, get married, work until they're 60 ish, retire to somewhere nice and then…

It was a necessary part of the industrial revolution. But just like that revolution, it wasn't planned, not by the people. Not even by the inventors of mechanisation.

They did it because they could.

With the exception of a very tiny group of people who had a dream and wanted to make it happen, the rest of us really don't care.

These are the people we, as copywriters, are trying to convert. Can you see the scale of the problem?

Desire is one thing, but action is quite another.

Your task as a business owner for 2019 is to figure that out. What really motivates someone to do something? How can you a) speed it up, b) point them to your product, and c) get them to pay you.

That's the focus for 2019 in the Science of Copywriting Facebook group I run. All it's members are looking forward to seeing what we can do over the next 12 months.

PS. You may be thinking it's a bit early for this message – I mean there's two days to go isn't there?

If you need some inspiration, you're welcome to join over here:


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