How To Rank Your Articles On Page 1 Of Google

There’s only two ways to get visitors to your site:

At ProofMEDIA we’ll help you get them for free. And when you’ve got enough of the right kind of visitors, we’ll also help you scale them using paid media (so you can turn the tap on and off when you need).

But first, let’s look at how to get enough of the right visitors for free – and why that matters.

When we’re searching in Google, we tend to ignore ads. We’re wary of them (unless we’re specifically looking to buy – but even then, there’s a certain scepticism about price).

So we look at the organic listings first. We trust them because we trust Google. But we also know that Google isn’t perfect, so we look carefully at the headline and description of each listing to see if it’s appropriate.

And when we find the right one (the one with the most appealing headline and description), we click on it. That’s the first signal Google sees, and it tells them this particular link has something going for it.

Next we look at the page the link points to and it either gives us the answer we’re looking for, or it doesn’t. Google is pretty good at determining what we do, and awards more points to that page for relevancy and usefulness if we stay (or don’t click back again).

The more points an article gets, the higher it rises up the charts (people used to rely on keywords and links, but it’s 2018 and times have changed radically).

So the job of any content writer or copywriter is to ensure that the content perfectly matches what people are searching for, and that it also answers their questions well enough for them to take action.

Writing content like that is a skill. It’s much more than just putting any old article together. It needs thought, and above all it needs an overarching content strategy.

This is so Google will start to understand that the content on your site relates to a specific topic or industry. The more pointers Google gets, the more authoritative your site will become.

Each article will attract a few keywords at first (we start by ranking it for the title). But as time grows and Google starts to understand how it fits into its search engine, it will attract more and more keywords (even if they’re not present in the article itself – Google’s artificial intelligence machine – RankBrain, is far cleverer than most people realise).

If you were to write an article every week, in 1 year you would have 52 definitive articles and, if they’re written properly, thousands and thousands of keyword interactions with Google (and tens of thousands of visitors).

If you were to write 2 or more per week, you can imagine how much more free traffic you would get.

But the crucial point is the content MUST attract Google’s attention in the first place. If it doesn’t, nothing will happen.

Here at ProofMEDIA we developed our own software which analyses Google’s output for any given title. We use Google because it’s the source (there’s no better authority than Google).

Once you have a number of ranking articles, it becomes very easy to build an audience from your visitors. We do this in various ways, but what we’re looking for are people who hold their hand up and ask for more information about what we do.

This way we’re able to segment them into interest groups. And from there we can use retargeting (intelligently) to grow our relationship.

It allows us to add a paid strategy to our marketing, safe in the knowledge we’re targeting the right people. This dramatically reduces the cost of advertising because it gives our visitors what they want (Google recognises this and reduces our ad cost accordingly – they need ads to be relevant to keep their own trust score high).

If this sounds like a strategy you’d like to adopt, please contact Quentin on 01733 590133 and we’ll schedule a suitable time to talk.